Genera marked in orange are under revision and are not yet included in the key to genera and no key to species or fact sheets have been included for these genera. The genera can be identified through the genera key page. For each genus there will be a fact sheet to the genus, fact sheets to the species (this part is under construction and all are not yet included; if there is only one species in the genus then this species is treated on the fact sheet for the genus), a key to the species (only if there are more than one species in the genus), and habitus illustrations. The habitus illustrations have been drawn by Christer Hansson.
Genus |
Fact sheet to genus |
Fact sheets to species |
Key to species |
Habitus illustrations |
Acanthala Hansson |
Achrysocharoides Girault |
Aleuroctonus LaSalle and Schauff |
Ametallon Ashmead |
Apleurotropis Girault |
Asecodes Forster |
Astichomyiia Girault |
Bridarolliella De Santis |
Cabeza Hansson and LaSalle |
Ceranisus Walker |
Chrysocharis Forster |
Chrysocharodes Ashmead |
Genus |
Fact sheet to genus |
Fact sheets to species |
Key to species |
Habitus illustrations |
Chrysonotomyia Ashmead |
Closterocerus Westwood |
Cornugon Hansson |
Dasyomphale LaSalle and Schauff |
Dentalion Hansson |
Dinopteridion Hansson |
Driopteron Hansson |
Emersonella Girault |
Entedononecremnus Girault |
Eprhopalotus Girault |
Euderomphale Girault |
Goetheana Girault |
Genus |
Fact sheet to genus |
Fact sheets to species |
Key to species |
Habitus illustrations |
Grassator De Santis |
Horismenus Walker |
Horismenus associated with bruchids |
Inti Hansson |
Ionympha Graham |
Itahipeus Hansson and LaSalle |
Klyngon Hansson |
Kratoysma Boucek |
Microdonophagus Schauff |
Monterrondo Hansson and LaSalle |
Neochrysocharis Kurdjumov |
Neopomphale LaSalle and Schauff |
Genus |
Fact sheet to genus |
Fact sheets to species |
Key to species |
Habitus illustrations |
Omphale Haliday |
Oradis Hansson |
Paracrias Ashmead |
Pediobius Walker |
Pediobomyia Girault |
Pelorotelus Ashmead |
Perditorulus Hansson |
Proacrias Ihering |
Sifraneurus Hansson and LaSalle |
Sporrongia Gumovsky |
Genus |
Fact sheet to genus |
Fact sheets to species |
Key to species |
Habitus illustrations |
Thripobius Ferriere |
Trisecodes Delvare and LaSalle |
Tropicharis Hansson |
Xenopomphale Hansson and LaSalle |