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coangustatus Hansson

Perditorulus coangustatus Hansson, antenna lateral, male.

Perditorulus coangustatus Hansson, phallobase ventral, male.

Perditorulus coangustatus Hansson, phallobase lateral, male.

Original description

Hansson, C. 2004. Eulophidae of Costa Rica, 2. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, 75:271.




Paramere long and narrow with a strong seta at apex and with a weak seta subapically, in lateral view paramere is strongly curved; parameral plates protruding dorsally, protrusion rounded at apex; digitus strongly flattened, in ventral view 4.4X as long as wide, in lateral view pear-shaped and 1.5X as long as wide, with a strong spine apically.


Costa Rica.




Depository of primary type

Holotype male in Natural History Museum (BMNH), London, England.