anelli Small, ± disclike flagellomeres situated between the pedicel and first funicle in the antennal flagellum
clava Terminal 1-3 flagellomeres which are more closely fused than the funiculars and/or wider than funiculars
clavomeres Parts of the antennal clava
flagellomeres The different parts of the flagellum. In the text the anelli are disregarded when flagellomeres are referred to, i.e. flagellomere 1 is the first large flagellomere after the pedicel
flagellum The third segment of the antenna, consisting of anelli, funiculars and clava
funiculars Part of the flagellum between the anelli and the clava
pedicel The second segment of the antenna
scape The ± elongate first segment of the antenna, attached to the head in the torulus
scattered arrangement of setae When setae on the flagellomeres are distributed randomly
sensilla ampullacea A type of sense organ situated on the flagellomeres, having a more or less narrow base and enlarged apical part
spicule Apical, narrow part of the terminal flagellomere
ventral sensory area (only males) Sense organs on the male scape, usually confined to the ventral edge of the scape, and usually in a groove
verticillate arrangement of setae When setae on flagellomeres 1-4 are confined to a basal whorl
antennal scrobe Narrow and distinct suture, from torulus up to frontal suture. The antennal scrobes join before reaching the frontal suture, join at the frontal suture, or join the frontal suture separately
antennal torulus Attachment point of the antennal scape on the frons
anterior ocellus The foremost ocellus in the ocellar triangle, situated on the vertex
clypeus Part of the head, situated below the frons, delimited or undelimited from frons
DE Distance between eyes, measured across the narrowest part on frons/vertex
DO Diameter of anterior ocellus
frons The fore part of the head, situated between the eyes, mouth margin, and vertex (the delimitation between frons and vertex is not obvious)
frontal cross-ridge Ridge on lower frons, just below antennal toruli
frontal speculum Part of frons just above the V-shaped frontal suture, forming a more or less flat and delimited area (delimited by an edge and/or a change in reticulation and/or change in colour)
frontal suture A suture between the eyes, delimiting lower frons from upper frons
HE Height of eye in frontal view
HH Height of head in frontal view
LH Length of head in dorsal view
lower frons Part of frons below the frontal suture
malar space Part between lower margin of eye and mouth opening
mouth opening Opening in lower part of head capsule where the mouth parts are situated
MS Malar space
occipital foramen The large foramen at the back of the head where the head is attached to the mesosoma and where nerve tissue and other soft parts run between the two body parts
occipital margin The upper margin of the occiput, separating occiput from vertex
occipital median groove/fold Groove or fold on occiput between occipital margin and occipital foramen
occiput The back of the head, ranging from the occipital margin down to the mouth opening
ocellar triangle The three ocelli on the vertex, always arranged in a triangle
OOL The distance between eye and posterior ocellus
POL The distance between posterior ocelli
POO The distance between posterior ocelli and occipital margin
posterior ocelli The two posterior ocelli in the ocellar triangle
subtorular groove A continuation of the inner margin of the antennal scrobe, running past the torulus towards mouth opening
subtorular suture Incomplete suture running from the lower margin of torulus down towards the mouth opening
temples Lateral part of occiput close to the eyes
tentorial pit The external depression in the subgenal or epistomal ridges, situated in upper corners of the clypeus
upper frons Part of frons above the frontal suture
vertex Upper part of the head between the eyes, the occipital margin, and the frons (the delimitation between the frons and the vertex is not obvious)
WH Width of the head, measured at widest part
WM Width of mouth opening
Mesosoma (thorax+propodeum)
anterolateral foveae (of the propodeum) Shallow, round or rounded triangular foveae in anteromedian part of propodeum, one on either side of the median carina
axilla Lateral part of the scutellar-axillar complex, separated from scutellum by the scuto-scutellar suture
costula Transverse carina on median propodeum, usually connecting median carina and plicae
dorsellum Raised median area of the metanotum
epicnemial carina Carina along lower margin of mesepisternum. In most species of Horismenus this is more like a smoothly rounded edge
epicnemial protrusion The very anterior part of the epicnemial carina that projects into the posterior margin of the prepectus
LC Length of median carina on propodeum, measured from anterior margin of carina to posterior margin of propodeum
lower mesepimeron Part of mesepimeron situated posterior to transepimeral sulcus
LS Length of hind tibial spur
LT Length of hind tarsus
median carina (of the propodeum) Median, usually predominantly smooth but sometimes completely reticulate
mesepisternum Anteroventral part of the mesopleuron
mesoscutum Dorsal foremost part of the second thorax segment, situated anterior to the scutellum
midlobe of mesoscutum Median part of the mesoscutum, delimited from the sidelobes by the notauli
MM Length of the mesosoma. Measured along the median mesosoma, from the pronotal collar carina to posterior margin of the propodeum
notaulus Longitudinal groove on the mesoscutum, ±distinct, that separates the midlobe from the sidelobes
petiolar foramen Medioposterior part of propodeum where the petiole is attached
plica Submedian, longitudinal carina on the propodeum
prepectus Sclerite between the pronotum and the mesepisternum (also called postspiracular sclerite)
pronotal collar carina A transverse carina that runs close to the posterior margin of pronotum as seen in dorsal view. Usually referred to as pronotal carina
pronotum First segment of the thorax
propodeal callus Lateral part of the propodeum, delimited from the median part of the propodeum by the spiracular sulcus
propodeal nucha Medioposterior extended part of the propodeum
propodeum The first abdominal segment, in apocrite wasps firmly attached to the thorax. Length measured medially from anterior margin to posterior margin of the propodeal nucha
scutellum Part of the second segment of the thorax, situated posterior to the mesoscutum
scuto-scutellar suture Suture separating the scutellum from the axillae
sidelobes of mesoscutum Lateral parts of the mesoscutum, ±delimited from the midlobe by the notaulus
spiracular sulcus A groove separating the median and the lateral parts of the propodeum
submedian grooves (of the propodeum) Grooves to either side of the median carina on the propodeum
supracoxal flange On propodeum the flat and thin part above the base of hind coxa
tegula Sclerite at base of forewing
TPS Transepimeral sulcus, separating upper mesepimeron from lower mesepimeron
transepimeral sulcus A sulcus separating upper mesepimeron from lower mesepimeron
transscutal articulation Suture between the mesoscutum and scutellum+axillae
upper mesepimeron Part of mesepimeron situated anterior to transepimeral sulcus
WC Width of the median carina on the propodeum, measured across the widest part of the carina
WG Width of the submedian grooves, measured at equal distance from the anterior and posterior margins of median propodeum
WM Width of the median carina on the propodeum, measured at equal distance from the anterior and posterior margins of the carina
WT Width of the thorax, measured across the widest part which is usually just in front of the attachment point of the forewing, the “shoulders”
admarginal setae Setae on the lower membrane of the forewing, close to the marginal vein
basal cell Area of the forewing situated posterior to the submarginal vein
costal cell Narrow cell in front of the submarginal vein
cubital setal line Row of setae, running ±parallel to the hind margin of the forewing
HW Height of the forewing, measured across the widest part of the wing
LM Length of the marginal vein
LW Length of the forewing, measured from the base of the marginal vein to the apical margin of the wing
marginal fringe Fringe of setae along apical margin of forewing
marginal vein The vein that runs along the fore margin of the forewing, between the submarginal vein and the stigmal vein
PM Length of the postmarginal vein
postmarginal vein The continuation of the marginal vein, after the stigmal vein
radial cell Bare part on membrane just apical to stigmal vein
speculum Bare area in the forewing bordered by the basal part of the marginal vein, the cubital setal line and scattered setae in the wing
ST Length of the stigmal vein
stigmal hairlines Rows of hair from stigmal vein
stigmal vein Vein at the upper end of the marginal vein, pointing downwards in the wing
submarginal vein Vein in the forewing closest to the body, beneath the costal cell
uncus Short, stub-like vein from stigmal vein, directed towards postmarginal vein
Metasoma (petiole+gaster)
gaster The abdomen without the two first true abdominal segments
hypopygium The last visible sternite of the gaster (in female sternite 7)
LG Length of the gaster
LP Length of the petiole
mucro Extended part(s) of posterior part of hypopygium
ovipositor sheaths Protective outer sheaths surrounding the ovipositor
petiole The second abdominal segment, forming a short or long "waist" between the propodeum and the gaster
WG Width of gaster, measured across the widest part of gaster
WP Width of the petiole, measured at the attachment point of the gaster
Male genitalia
aedeagal apodemes Paired processes at base of the aedeagus
aedeagus Terminal part of the phallus
digital spines Spines on digitus
digitus Apical, moveable "finger" of the volsella
parameral setae Setae on paramere
paramere Paired appendages, in the Eulophidae usually reduced and not distinguishable from remaining phallobase
phallobase Proximal part of the phallus
phallus The male genitalia, including the phallobase and the aedeagus
volsella Inner ventral part of the paramere
volsellar ridge Longitudinal ridge along the volsella
volsellar setae Setae on volsella
About colour
In the keys the terms "pale" and "dark" are used. Pale is here defined as white, yellowish-white, yellowish-brown or pale brown. Dark is defined as dark brown, black, and all metallic hues.