Author, year, journal with original description
Ashmead, W.H., 1904, Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum, 1:344
Type species
Ametallon chapadae Ashmead (lectotype female in the United States National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C.)
Synonym names
Clypeus delimited by a groove laterally and dorsally; female gaster with first tergite dorsally sharply margined anterolaterally, and with strong reticulation below margin; supracoxal flanges more or less enlarged and membranous; forewing with long admarginal setae; species are usually non-metallic yellow or brown
Number of species
Neotropical region: Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Mexico, U.S.A. (southern Florida)
Reared from galls and seeds, presumably as parasitoids on insect larvae
Ashmead, W.H., 1904. Classification of the chalcid flies. Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum, 1:344
Hansson, C. 2004. Eulophidae of Costa Rica, 2. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, 75:1-536 (Ametallon is treated on pp. 13-34)