Original description
Hansson, C. 2002. Eulophidae of Costa Rica, 1. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, 67:35.
Flagellomeres longer than in similar lemae, and with apical part narrowed off; vertex smooth and shiny; eyes hairy; malar sulcus missing; thoracic dorsum moderately convex; pronotum reduced, not visible in dorsal view, without transverse carina; scutellum as long as wide, with a short groove or pit anteromedially; propodeum smooth and shiny, with two curved carinae from upper corners of petiolar foramen; second gastral tergite not large, tergites 1+2 cover 0.5X the length of gaster, hind margin of first gastral tergite straight; apical ovipositor sheaths as long as wide.
Costa Rica, Trinidad & Tobago.
Depository of primary type
Holotype female in Natural History Museum (BMNH), London, England.